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Introduction to JavaScript Fuzzing

How to secure your JavaScript applications against
Denial-of-Service (DoS) and Uncaught Exceptions.

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Sneak Preview: Writing a Fuzz Test in JavaScript

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What to Expect

JavaScript is widely used in backend and frontend applications that rely on trust and good user experience, including e-commerce platforms, and consumer-apps. Fuzz testing helps secure these applications against bugs and vulnerabilities that cause downtime and other security issues, such as Crashes, Denial-of-Service (DoS) and Uncaught Exceptions.

In this session, you will learn about:

  • fuzzing and modern fuzz testing approaches.
  • use cases and common challenges of fuzzing JavaScript applications. 
  • how to detect Denial-of-Services (DoS) vulnerabilities and Uncaught Exceptions with Jazzer.js, a coverage-guided fuzzer for Node.JS and the whole JavaScript ecosystem. 

All code examples and tools used are open-source and easily accessible via GitHub and npmjs

If you have questions, or need help to set your fuzz test for your JavaScript projects with Jazzer.js, please feel free to reach out via:

"Thanks to Code Intelligence fuzzing approaches, our security testing became significantly more effective. All our developers are now able to fix business critical bugs early in the development process, without false-positives."
Andreas Weichselgartner_Rund-1 (1)
Andreas WeichslgartnerDeveloper, Security Professional